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Governance Documents

What does the Advisory Board do?

Our Advisory Board works alongside the local team to play an important role in setting and maintaining the strategic direction of Healthwatch Portsmouth. It has a significant role to play, ensuring that Healthwatch Portsmouth adheres to its principles and purpose and operates in a moral and ethical way in the service of the local community.


The role includes:

  • Formulating strategy and workplans with the local Manager

  • Ensuring accountability for quality delivery of the strategy and workplan

  • Shaping a positive culture

  • Providing accountability to local people


The Advisory Board is formed of volunteers and lay people and is not responsible for the day to day running of Healthwatch Portsmouth. This is done by a small team of paid staff.


Most of the Advisory Board’s meetings are held in public, with an opportunity to ask questions at the discretion of the chairman; these are not public meetings.


There are certain decisions – who we represent and engage with, for example – which have to be taken in a meeting in public. The Advisory Board may hold some meetings in private, if there are confidential issues to discuss, or as briefings to develop our strategy. At other times, the Advisory Board may hold open meetings to capture the experiences of local people who use health or care service


Click on a meeting below to open/download a pdf version of meeting agenda/minutes.


Reports can be found on our News & Reports page.

Board Members

Roger Batterbury


Anthony Knight

Vice Chairperson

Jason Oakley

Elected Advisory Board Member

Jennie Brent

Elected Advisory Board Member

Graham Keeping

Elected Advisory Board Member

Ram Jassi

Elected Advisory Board Member

Mary Amos

Elected Advisory Board Member

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